Rosa Mar Tato Ortega is a Spanish-Australian visual artist. She has a post graduate degree in Fine Arts and is a creative collaborator and practicing artist currently living on the Mornington Peninsula. 

Rosa’s referees will attest that she has the ability to create work independently and/or collaboratively and facilitates dynamic outcomes. Her referees or collaborators will also communicate that her outcomes inspire the public to look beyond the limits of traditional object-based art.

The essence lies in deep listening — a practice that goes beyond the norm. Her art emerges from conversations, community engagements, and immersive research, where stories, history, culture, community, and the environment harmoniously come together to give life to her creations.

Her own work outcomes whether in public or private spaces, relate to site and immersion. She acknowledges that  it takes some level of curatorial risk to be commissioned or involved in projects. Her art outcomes are about the possibilities that evolve, working through a state of allowing and unfolding. 

Her role outside of her arts practice often involves being a conduit between artist and institution/organisation; facilitating logistics, media and frameworks in support of artists and their work. 

She  offers a range of services, including commissioned pieces, custom  art workshops. Contact me to discuss your project or to register for a workshop.

'While personal experience is at the centre of her art practice, it is often through outward connections to community or site that her work unfolds. She consistently explores the tensions between material form and ephemeral light/shadow interplay and her work seamlessly crosses between the platforms of public art and personal professional practice.   Subtle collaborations, impressions and triggers, chance meetings, synchronous moments, and often intimate conversations are crucial to understanding her work.'  

Dr Sally Northfield Education Program Coordinator United Nations Association Australia (Victoria)  
Co-Manager  Women’s Mural Documentation Project

 “Rosa’s ability to decipher, interpret and reflect personal stories through symbol, pattern, motif, light and text define her art practice. As she explores and experiments with a variety of materials, whether steel, concrete, felt, or a subversive stitch or two, her stunning art-making practice, enacted consistently using light, photography, collage, cutting, textiles - is an invitation to (re)consider the community and environs of your site & project.” 


'There is a strong environmental focus in Rosa’s process, intertwined with community storytelling. The layering of imagery in her final artwork reflects the layering of cultural heritage and backgrounds of Flemington with an underlying response to waterways and landscape. Her final artwork for the Flemington Community Hub respectfully and thoughtfully represents people and location and broader themes of environmental conservation, migration and local history. Her artistic processes and outcomes deliver benefits to individuals, the wider public and community.'

Our brief called for an artist to engage with key stakeholders to create an artwork for a series of perforated metal panels. The scale of the panels are approximately 7 metres x 7 metres, with eight panels in total across the west façade of the new building. Construction is underway.'

Gemma Portelli 
Project Support Officer 
Moonee Valley City Council 


'Her CV will demonstrate created works which provide specific environments where she focuses on research, the production and the exhibition of cultural projects, especially those ones related to history, culture, community and their environment.  She has been invited to present & exhibit works to celebrate the Women’s Art Register (WAR) 40 Year Celebration. This was quite the installation at the City Library. Rosa has been committed to meeting with manufacturers of materials in Australia so to develop a portfolio of eco-friendly materials that can be integrated into future commissions and site-specific art projects.   A highly committed and resourceful artist in her art production as well as meeting timelines and architectural, structural and building guidelines. Whilst she demonstrates with ongoing independent exhibition program, she gives any new project the same dedication."   (See images ‘El Pañuelo’ & Wyndham Public Art Commission.)'   

David Fitzsimmons
Creative Urban Places Program Lead I Arts Melbourne City of Melbourne 


Rosa completed a 12 month Artist in Residence (AIR) at  Park Victoria's Coolart Wetlands on the Mornington Peninsula  She exhibited works inside the Homestead and in the Minsmere Birdhide & Crake Birdhide in both May  & November 2018.    

The residency culminated  in  a day where the public were encouraged to discover the artwork in and around the Coolart Homestead and Wetlands property.   The Maggie and Bird series were created in these surrounds and editions of these works are for sale. Rosa created a series of wall hangings and experimenting with range of materials such as carpet, velvet, and silk.   

Collaborations in relation to  the bird series to develop a range of textiles are welcome.

'Through a process of consultation, immersion and the gathering of local stories Rosa Mar Tato Ortega produces an artistic interpretation of the site. Her artistic approach is organic and unique, professional, whilst following processes and organisational guidelines. She invites the viewer to individually experience the work from a different perspective. It can be enlightening.' 

Julie Ebbott President, Friends of Coolart

Photo: Stan Fridlind